Actually, this is what we think is one of the easiest tests to take. Why? There is almost no memorization. You don't have to read and memorize parts of Shakespeare or long poems. What do you do? You read a short excerpt or a poem and answer questions about it. It is pretty straightforward. The main thing you have to have is....confidence and of course our CLEP study guide would help too.
You need practice reading and "explaining" literature in literature terms. If alliteration and verse sound scary, they are really not. You'll only need to memorize about 20 different terms, compare that to a heavy Biology exam and you're halfway there.
We will give you practice and make you feel completely comfortable in passing this test. Many students take this test first to build their confidence and then take another, and another, etc. CLEP testing can be addicting. We're happy to help show you how, or at least give you a few CLEP test questions for free.
-The PassYourClass Team