I have been preparing and studying for two exams. 1)
Civil War and Reconstruction 2) Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union. I understand what the score is that I need in
order to pass but my question is how many questions do I need to get
right? For example, the Civil War exam
has 116 questions and I would like to know how many I need to get right out
116. Same with the Soviet Union, out of
100 questions how many do I need to get right in order to pass with a score of 45?
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing
back from you.
Hi Laura,
The quick answer is about 50%, slightly less on Civil
War. Doesn't seem like much does it? However, when you prepare for the test,
try to go for 100% correct. That gives you quite a buffer ensuring that you
will pass. We also recommend that you only study for ONE test at a time. This keeps you focused on one subject and gives you a better advantage in passing.
Thank you,
The PassYourClass Team
I am preparing for the substance abuse exam and I'm averaging 70% on the Peterson tests. I'm averaging 80% on Quizlet. Are the scores good enough for me to pass the official dsst examAr?